Monday, June 30, 2008

Sawubona.....Day #1

Sorry for the delay, the internet in the hotel has been down. Well we made it finally. It was a very long trip. We left Washington DC late due to storms in the area, had a lay over in Dakaar, Senegal for re-fuel and finally made it to Joberg. And yes we missed our original flight so we were able to get on the last flight to Durban that left at 9:00pm getting us into Durban at 10:00pm.

Sunday was an awesome day. We went to the Karkloof forest and did a series of 7 ziplines across the forest. It was so awesome. Getting to see some of God's creations from so high above it. The team loved it and it help us to continue to bond.

Today was the first build day. As we headed to the community we could see the row of brightly painted houses that were built last year. When we got close enough we could see the children waving and saying hello. I did get to see Skhumbuzo but I haven't gotten any hugs as yet. We proceeded to the church. It was sad not seeing Pastor Majola, but good to be there to continue his legacy. His sister Entebeko was there and as we embraced she started to cry. I told her that it will all be okay. Dear Nelson and Alfred was there to greet us, and Fanie (our builder). Our task this week is to finish the house that Jen's team started. Today we finished the interior wall, back washed the outside. Alot for a day's work.

Many of the children came around to help and the team members who are there for the first time just embraced them with lots of hugs. It was a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow despite all of the aches and pains.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm leaving on an airplane...

Well the time has come, the team leaves in the morning.  By now all of our suitcases are packed, hopefully everyone is off to bed, but will be early to rise.  We have a long flight ahead of us but it is well worth it.  Thank you to everyone for your love and support.  Please keep us all 10 of us in your prayers.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

3 days and counting.....

I am getting anxious but not in a bad way.  I just want to get to Africa.  I know that the rest of the team is probably experiencing the same thing.  So please keep us in your prayers.  I am almost packed, just a few more things to put in the suitcase and then I am ready.  The excitement is mounting... can't wait to get on the plane, then I know for sure that we are on the way. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

4 days and counting....

I hope that the week goes by quickly. I am ready to go back and see everyone. I am actually almost packed, just a few more things and the suitcase is closed. I am so excited for the rest of the team, especially those going for the first time. What a blessing it has been to be able to lead such a wonderful team. As we prepare to serve, please keep all 10 of us in your prayers. 4 days and counting.....Woo! Hoo!

Monday, June 9, 2008

It's that time again!

It's that time again.....I am headed to South Africa on the 27th of this month. So much has happened since my last trip. Just recently Pastor Senzo Majola who worked very closely with the Orphan care program passed away. So this trip will be a bit sad but there is a great joy of getting to see everyone that I have met and worked with again. I look forward to seeing the children and Gogo. I can't wait to get a hug from Skhumbuzo (one of the orphans who is 3 yrs. old). So time to start counting down. And yes that is Skhumbuzo with me.