Friday, September 17, 2010

A Look back at August

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

August was a bit of a hectic month with trying to get the NPO (non-profit organization) application for the creche finished and submitted. We have been working hand in hand with the folks at the local Department of Social Development. I was able to submit the application during my time in Pretoria. One of the highlights of the month was the visit that we received from Mrs. Nokuthula Zulu, the director of the pre-school associations. Once the creche is operational, we will have to be associated with them. She was very pleased with the buildings (both the creche and center) and the playground.

*Pastor Thwala, Mrs. Zulu, Shara, Gloria & Hlengiwe (principal of the creche)*
*I am standing with Eldah and Primrose from CSS*

In collaboration with the social workers from the Christian Social Services (CSS) we have planned to start doing workshops/support groups with the caregivers both from the orphan project and throughout the community. We had the first caregiver support group and it was a success with 31 caregivers attending. Julia, myself and the social workers were filled with joy to see them. The session started with an ice-breaker that talked about the importance of communication and how we are all connected. The group decided on the topics for future meetings. They include parenting skills, budgeting and issues affecting the children. For the second meeting the social workers talked about how to become a foster parent. The ladies have been very excited about the group thus far.

*The caregivers during the ice-breaker*

*I am standing outside of the Dept. of Social Development in Pretoria*

*I am presenting my Bible study to the ladies, part of the deaconess course*

*The deaconess class*

Julia and I were invited to the deaconess course at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria. We were part of a class of 9 ladies. The women came from South Africa, Botswana and the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Deaconess Grace Rao from LCMS World Relief and Human Care was the instructor. A deaconess is a servant of the Lord who teaches the faith through Bible study and catechism, does spiritual care by means of counseling, visitation and mentoring and performs acts of mercy by working with the youth, orphanages and even battered women.This course was a great opportunity for me to continue learning.
*Me and Mama Sheila (from Botswana)*

Since the course was held at the seminary, I had the opportunity to get to know many of the seminarians who have come from all across Africa (Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda) to study. One of the fun parts of the day was getting to play volleyball and just talking to them about life in their countries. It is such a blessing to be in fellowship with the body of Christ.

*I am standing with Minka (Germany), Noxy (South Africa) and Julia*

Sunday, September 12, 2010

PartyLite Fundraiser

In an effort to continue raising support for my service in South Africa I will be participating in the PartyLite Fundraising Program. How the program works is that I will receive 50% of the total sales. Those funds will go toward my financial support for my term of service. I will be working with my dear friend and PartyLite consultant Virginia Handrich. To receive the brochure, email me at Please consider supporting me. Check out PartyLite at

Sala kahle (stay well)

Yours in Christ,
