Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Dream Come True....a look back at October

The Ntshongweni Center and Creche was the dream of Pastor Senzo Majola, the previous pastor of the orphan project. Before his passing in May of 2008, he dreamed of having a place near the church where the little ones could be cared for during the day and a center where the youth and young adults could attend workshops to learn new skills. Construction for the center began in August of 2008 with volunteers from the United States and South Africa.

As many people got involved with the project the dream got bigger. They worked very hard in the USA talking about the project, encouraging people to go to South Africa on teams and holding fundraisers to be able to support the project. The project also received support from partner churches in South Africa. The pastor and many of the youth and members of the congregation of the German Lutheran Church have participated in programs for the children in addition to helping with the orphans homes. The Indian Lutheran Church has donated food and clothing for the orphans.

In May of 2010 a team from Jacksonville put the finishing touches on the buildings. Julia, Pastor Thwala and I were very happy and we started using them for VBS and other programs. The kids enjoy coming to the center. It is a place where they can have fun, learn and be safe. The ladies from the sewing group were happy to have a new place to meet.

As we looked toward the future there was the task of getting the pre-school registered as a NPO (non-profit organization). Julia, Pastor Thwala and I prayed daily for guidance. God lay the path for us which took us to the Department of Social Development, then to the director of the pre-school association. With the help and support of many in the community things were coming together.

Friends from Phoenix, Arizona joined us the week of October 11th - 17th. They worked alongside partners from South Africa to finish the playground and to equip the creche so the buildings would be ready for the dedication. The floors were painted, decorative art painted on the walls of the creche, curtains were hung, they wanted everything to be perfect and so it was. They also had a very special surprise for the soccer team. The boys were gifted soccer uniforms and gear. The look on their faces were priceless as they received them. Their dream had come true.

The dream of a community center and creche has come true. The Ntshongweni center and creche were dedicated on October 17th by the bishop of the LCSA ( Lutheran Church in Southern Africa). There were over 300 people in attendance including guests from the USA, Pretoria, the community and throughout KwaZulu-Natal. It was amazing to see everyone and to be a part of the ceremony. On October 26th, the application for NPO status for the creche was approved and the creche opened on November 1st with 36 children. Thanks be to God.

Pastor Straueli joins Pastor Frank, Ken and John to finish the playground
Julia, Pastor Thwala and I with the team from Arizona
Kat is surrounded by new friends in the creche after painting the wall
Mrs. Zulu the cook, Hlengiwe the principal and I cook up a batch of food from Feed My Starving Children
The soccer team all dressed in their new gear that Ken brought. Don't they look good....
I am getting my face painted in preparation for church and the dedication
Julia and I with Ken and Pastor Frank. We are dressed in traditional Zulu attire.
With over 300 people in attendance, the church in Ntshongweni is packed.
Jim Wolf and Bob Funk unveil the plaque on the newly dedicated Ntshongweni center and creche.
Bishop Weber of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa blesses the buildings.
The kids eating lunch on opening day of the Ntshongweni Creche.
Hlengiwe the principal teaching the kids.

Many prayers have been answered and God has been faithful. He has blessed us with more than we could have ever imagined. I continue to be thankful for the blessing of serving Him in Ntshongweni.

Yours in Christ (Owakho eNkosini)


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13