Thursday, November 29, 2007

Build day # 4

The weather was perfect today not too hot and there was a nice breeze blowing all day. So we were able to get back on track. There was one house that needed to be painted, the garden posts put in place and continue laying block on the house. As usual, little Scomboze greeted us with lots of smiles and hugs. We got a treat yesterday as well. There was a baby born on site on the trip in May and his mother brought him to the site so that we could see him. He is so precious. His name is Njubolo (zulu for happiness). And the great news is that family is getting a home as well. It is almost finished and by the end of the year they will be moved in. God is good. The Bishop of the Lutheran church of Southern Africa was on site with us today and he is so pleased with all that has happened in a year. I agree. Only a year ago we came to South Africa and built one house, toady there is a community. A community filled with hope and joy. We can make a difference, changing lives one child, one family at a time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Build day # 3

Yesterday was better despite all of the sadness that still filled the air. The 6 yrs old Sibosiso was in much better spirits. He helped us to paint all day long and laughed with us. There is a 3 yrs old Scomboze (I probably spelled that wrong) who is so delightful and loving, I wish that I could bring him home. Every morning he greets us with smiles and hugs. Things are coming along. Some of the team is putting up fences around gardens to keep the cows and the goats out, while everyone else has been painting and doing finishing on one of the floors. The blocks were too wet to continue building. Hopefully day 4 will be better. We are going to a theater production called Umoja "the spirit of togetherness" this evening. Lokking forward to it. I wish that you all could see these beautiful children and be with these people. Continue to keep them in your prayers.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Build day #2...

Today was an unusual day with it's ups and downs. Yesterday as we left the build site there was a terrible storm and one of the walls fell so we had to redo it. One of the beneficiaries was in the hospital and passed away last night. Pastor Majola asked the team to be with him as he told the family. It was a very hard situation as we prayed with them. She leaves behind 5 orphans. One of them a 6 yr. old boy clung to Pastor Majola's side after he heard the news and tears just streamed down his face. All I could do was to hug him for a while. Unfortunately, that is one of the harsh realities of Africa and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. I am glad that many of them now have homes that kept them warm and dry from the storm last night. We ended the day on a drive through a game resreve. We saw impala, wildebeest, zebra, rhinos, hippos and a very rare sighting of the sable antelope. So all ended well.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Build day #1

Wow it was so awesome to be back in the community again. It was great to see all of the homes painted in vibrant greens,blues, yellows and pinks. Seeing all the children simply melted my heart because they are one of the reasons why I do this. I met a 3 yr old boy today who just loves to hug and cuddle. I wish that I could bring him home. I took a photo of the 92 yr old gogo (we built her home in May) for her to hang on the wall of her new home. She said that when she passes on from this world, that the rest of her family will be able to remember her through the picture. That was true for the Madondo family who lost their caregiver in July. I took a photo for that family as well. She left behind 8 orphans two of which are HIV positive. It was very sad to hear the now 90% of pregnant women in Kwazulu Natal (the are that we are working in) is HIV positive and that 40% of South Africa's population is infected with HIV/AIDS. But because of these homes we are giving 51 orphans the hope of a better life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sawubona (Hello in Zulu)!!!

The weather here has really been great. A bit overcast today but the rain held up. We started our day by going to church in Phoenix at St. Thomas Lutheran. It is a predominantly Indian population. Afterwards we toured the home and printing press of Mahatma Gandhi while he lived in Durban. For lunch we went to the beach in Umhlanga. It was a wonderful day. We are still waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. We will meet with our Habitat South Africa staff tonight and bright and early we will go to Shongweni to start building. It's great to be back in South Africa.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We made it!!

After a really early flight (6:00am) and several layovers, we sat on a 15 hrs flight from Washington DC to Joberg. It wasn't too bad despite the moments of bad weather when the plane dropped quite a bit. Nevertheless we are here again in South Africa. The weather is really nice, warm with a bit of humidity and rain. Yes we were welcomed by the rain. So the team is relaxing before turning in for the evening. The other 7 members arrive tomorrow. So long from Durban.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! On this day I give thanks to God with a grateful heart for all the blessings and all the people in my life. During this week I truly did think of how God has changed me over the years and without Him, I would be lost. So I am very thankful for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon me. I am thankful for my family and friends and for the way each person has helped me. I am truly blessed. "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess 5:16 Tomorrow the team leaves for Africa.....the time has come and the count down has ended...we are Africa bound

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting closer....

Well the days have certainly flown by. I leave for Africa next week. Wow! Next week..... I am so excited to go back but equally excited to work with a new team. I enjoy seeing how people change as the days go by. I love seeing the look on their faces as they meet the children for the first time and how excited they are to see them everyday. In only a short week they become like family. The countdown continues....only 9 days before I leave.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Africa on my mind

Well the days are zipping by and all I think about is getting back to Africa. I wish that you all could go with me. For those of you who have gone before you know the feeling. I absolutely love being there and it is hard to come back. Life there may not be as fast paced but to me it is peaceful. The count down continues.......only 16 days

Monday, November 5, 2007

Starting to pack.....

The days are flying by and I decided that I should start laying out stuff to take to Africa. On my last trip I waited until the last minute. Not a great idea. So I did the next best thing.... I made a list. So now as I lay stuff out I can cross it off my list. I want to take so much but I know that I can't. I am soooo excited. The count down continues. Only 18 more days.

Friday, November 2, 2007

21 Days and Counting

In 21 days I leave for South Africa for the second time this year. I am very excited since my team will be building house #15. Wow!!!! I still can't beleive it, 15 orphan families were the recipients of homes this year. With the growing pandemic of HIV/AIDS in Africa, we can make a difference. It starts with helping one person at a time. I can't wait to see the children in their homes and to hug all of them. 21 days and counting.