Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm leaving on an airplane...

Well the time has come, the team leaves in the morning.  By now all of our suitcases are packed, hopefully everyone is off to bed, but will be early to rise.  We have a long flight ahead of us but it is well worth it.  Thank you to everyone for your love and support.  Please keep us all 10 of us in your prayers.  


Sue said...

I'm almost as excited as you are. Can't wait for you to get there to see through your eyes the beauty of the people you serve. I pray God's blessings of unity, strength, joy and laughter be filling each one of you. Give my friend, Lynn a big hug for me.
Love you,

Dora said...

Hey Shar, I'm so excited for you because yet again, you're doing something that excites you deep down. Take lots of pics! Maybe one of these trips, I'll be right along side of you. Give lots of hugs from the US to your little ones in S.A. They are just too cute!
Luvz ya,

TCat said...

Hey girlfriend, missing you already but I share in your joy at being able to do as the Lord instructed, go and share the Good News. Share your heart and love with all the people, especially the children. And don't forget we are praying for you all the time.

Kelsie sends a hug and kiss X0

Kevin said...

Hi Shara,
Hope all is well Shara. I pray that your able to reach many for the Lord. Give them your love in Christ. Will look forward to hearing about the trip.