Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time for Good-bye's

The time has come to start saying good-bye to family and friends. Today at church was the sending service. I had the opportunity to speak about my ministry in South Africa and to ask for prayers in all four services. The choir sang together one more time and it was wonderful. I have the best church home in the world with such supportive brothers and sisters in Christ. I am glad to go but sad to say good-bye. So I will not say good-bye, instead I will say see you later. I will miss everyone very, very much. God has blessed me with so many wonderful friends and even though it will be hard being away, I know that God will take care of all of us. See you later.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's time to start packing

The time has finally come to start packing. In a week or two I will be heading to South Africa. A new chapter in my life will begin. There are lots of emotions....sadness, excitement, loss, joy. I am very happy to be blessed with such an opportunity, it is a gift from God. I am sad to leave my family and friends behind and I will carry them in my heart. My last day at the job that I held for 8 years was last Friday and it's been a bit weird. I know that I have a new adventure ahead of me. People have been asking me "are you nervous or scared?" To be honest yes, a little of both. I know that I will be okay and that God will bless me with all that I need to do what he has called me to do. I know that he will be by my side every step of the way.

To all of my family and friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support. It is very hard to leave you all, but this is something I must do and I know that you understand. Know that I love you all very much. You will be with me during my time in South Africa.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Center for Compassion

The Center for Compassion was the dream of Pastor Senzo Majola before he passed away in May of 2008.  He was called to  pastor the local Lutheran church and to be a part of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project with American partners.  Pastor Majola became a father to most of the children.  His passion for the orphan project grew from his own experience of being orphaned.  Pastor Majola had a dream of having a creche (nursery school) and a community center next to his church.  He was overjoyed to hear that the American volunteers were willing to build this facility.  He wanted a place that the little ones in the community could be cared for during the day and center where the youth and young adults could attend workshops to learn new skills.

Construction for the Center of Compassion began in August of 2008 with volunteers from the United States and South Africa.  Several teams are scheduled to complete the center in 2009. The center is a proper tribute to the life and passion of Pastor Majola.  

During my time in South Africa I will be able to work with the teams as they finish construction and help to get the center up and running.  **Pictured is a team from Love of Christ and Christ Church Lutheran as they continue the block work on the center in October 2008 **