Friday, September 18, 2009

Rainy days....

Yesterday was the start of rainy weather. It was misty all day, like something you would see in a horror movie. Today was a bit more of a down pour but is now very grey. Yes, it is cold, cold, cold. I think that we will have sunny days on the weekend. Yeah for me since I love the heat.

I spent the week looking for a place to live. Since things are a bit different it has been a bit of a challenge. But last night I saw a place that I love and I am praying that God will help me to decide if this is the one. It is in a good location and I liked everything about it. So prayerfully this is the one. Everything is so different and will take some getting used to. Cell phone services and internet is a world apart from what I am used to. For example, in the U.S. we have unlimited internet usage and we pay one standard fee per month. In South Africa there is a cap, which means that you buy a package with 1 or 2 GIG for a standard fee and if you use it in a month then you can buy more GIG's as you need. I think that you can get an unlimited package but it may be very expensive. No worries, I will have to adjust. I am taking it all in stride.

A team from Pittsburg arrives tomorrow. I am excited to meet them all and get to work with them. They will be building a house for an elderly lady name Margaret. So please keep the team in your prayers as they travel and as they work.

Sala kahle

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trying to get settled....

I made it safely to Durban. Even though the bus ride was long it got to see a lot of the country and it is beautiful. The weather has been absolutely wonderful. Not to hot, not to cold and with a light breeze. I am staying at a lovely Bed & Breakfast for now while I am looking for a place to live. That will be quite an adventure considering I am getting acclimated to the area.

I went out to Shongweni on Saturday with a friend to visit Pastor Thwala. We had a nice visit considering this was the first meeting with him. I went to visit another friend and saw a few of the orphans. They remembered me and that was nice to be greeted by their smiles. I will have lots of work to do but with God's help I will get it done. After all this is not about me, it's about what God called me to do. I am truly blessed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the road again...

Well I'm back in Pretoria but only to get packed. I am heading to Durban in the morning. Middleburg was great and I made so many new friends. On my last day they had a surprise braai (barbeque) for me which was quite unexpected. It was a nice time and they had so many nice things to say.

Zulu culture focuses on relationships and I definitely have made some very good relationships in Middleburg. I will have to go back to visit. My Zulu lessons were awesome and I learned so much. I'm not fluent yet but slowly getting there.

Durban here I come. I will be taking a rather long bus ride but excited to see some of the country as I travel. I will look for a place to live next week and get some things sorted out. Then the team from the U.S.A. arrives on the 19th. I look forward to going to Ntshongweni and seeing old friends.

Sala kalhe

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Springtime in S.A.

Today the 1st of September is the start of Spring and everyone has Spring fever. The children get to wear regular clothes today. They all are ready to go the pool, play soccer and netball, have braai's (barbeques). It is a fun day.

The weather is warmer and hopefully my cold will be gone soon. It is getting better. My Zulu lessons are going well and I am learning a lot. So to all of my family and friends Happy Spring Day!!!!

Sala kahle (stay well)