Thursday, October 22, 2009

A day to relax....

Today I had the opportunity to relax and get caught up on emails and downloading pictures, updating software, you name it. All the things that I couldn't do because I didn't have internet access at home. It is so amazing to finally have it. Oh the simple pleasures of life.

It was a bit overcast and I sat in the living room looking out the window at the hills with a light mist falling, God spoke to me. I heard what has become a very important scripture in my life. Pastor Arnie used it as he blessed me during my installation. It reads...I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth - Psalm 121:1-2 It fit the mood as I spent some time with God during my morning devotion. Days like this are so important. God knew that I needed it and like always his timing is always perfect.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home away from home...

Last week the team from Phoenix arrived and it was nice to greet them all at the airport. There were many familiar faces and some new ones. They came just at the right time, as I continue to get settled here in South Africa I was surrounded by a reminder of home. On Sunday I was installed as a missionary to Ntshongweni by Pastor Arnie and I was surrounded by the team and Pastor Thwala, Pastor Erickson, Pastor Arnie, Pastor Schroder and Pastor Thompson. I was filled with so much joy and I knew that God was there, I could feel it. Afterwards there was fellowship with folks from the community, Phoenix Lutheran Church, Westville Lutheran Church and many friends that were made from previous trips. What an amazing day, I will never forget it.

The week was filled with many things. Finishing Margaret's house was top priority. The team brought sewing machines and Linda F. and Norma taught sewing to about 16 of the ladies in the community. They were thrilled and enjoyed making aprons, lamp shades and bags. Some of the ladies held pre-school in the Center of Compassion. On Monday there were only a few children but by Friday many came and it was bustling with activity. It gave a great snapshot of what the creche (nursery school) will look like once it is opened. Heidi and Lisa did a wonderful job adding special touches to the Center of Compassion. Pastor Thwala asked if they could paint a scripture on the wall and he chose "God is Love." Carpentry tools were purchased to help teach the men in the community. The week went by quickly and on Friday the house was dedicated to Margaret and she was presented a Bible that the team signed. Unfortunately the house was not finished, all it needs is the roof and that should be completed this week. So Margaret will have a moving day very soon.

The weekend came and the team headed to the Victoria Street Market for some quick shopping before heading up to St. Lucia. When we arrived in St. Lucia our first event was a boat trip on the estuary where we saw birds and lots of hippos. It was amazing how many they were and they were quite playful, so we got lots of great photos. The next day we headed to the first game reserve founded in the 1800's. We has a 6.5hr game drive ahead of us and we were all excited to see the animals. So what did we see....hmmmmm We saw elephants, zebra, giraffe, impala, nyala, wildebeest, warthog, cape buffalo, rhino. Unfortunately we did not see the lion or leopard. Maybe next time. It was a wonderful week and it was hard to say good-bye to the team. I know that God called me here to South Africa to do his work and to be his hands and feet. So that is where my focus must be. God will give me all that I need and I will continue to trust him.

To my family and friends I love you and miss you. Thank you for the prayers.

Sala kahle

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Getting settled....

I can't believe that I have been here for a little over 2 months now. I suppose it's okay to say that South Africa is my home for the next 2 years. I don't feel separated from my family and friends due to being able to email them and text them. Once I get al settled in my apartment and hooked up with the internet I can Skype. The wonders of technology and how it keeps people together when they are mile apart.

It was great meeting the team from PA during their time here building a house for Margaret. I know that she is very happy. I am expecting a team from AZ very soon and looking forward to seeing many friends. God is good.