Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the road again...

Well I'm back in Pretoria but only to get packed. I am heading to Durban in the morning. Middleburg was great and I made so many new friends. On my last day they had a surprise braai (barbeque) for me which was quite unexpected. It was a nice time and they had so many nice things to say.

Zulu culture focuses on relationships and I definitely have made some very good relationships in Middleburg. I will have to go back to visit. My Zulu lessons were awesome and I learned so much. I'm not fluent yet but slowly getting there.

Durban here I come. I will be taking a rather long bus ride but excited to see some of the country as I travel. I will look for a place to live next week and get some things sorted out. Then the team from the U.S.A. arrives on the 19th. I look forward to going to Ntshongweni and seeing old friends.

Sala kalhe