Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day.....

Today is World AIDS Day and all over the world people are showing their support by wearing RED ribbons. I don't know if any of you have lost a friend or a loved one to AIDS. I lost my Uncle David to AIDS many years ago. I didn't understand the far reaching effects that the disease would have. I happened at a time in the U.S.A. when people thought it was only the homosexuals who got it. But HIV/AIDS is much more than that. It knows no boundaries affecting people of all ages, gender and nationalities. It is crippling our world.

In 2008 there were 22.4 million people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, more than two thirds of world's total. In South Africa there were an estimated 5.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS, more than any other country and there are 1.4 million AIDS orphans. I am in a country surrounded by people who are living with HIV and many don't even know it. On this day South Africa's message is three-fold: (1) I am responsible - calling on everyone to know their HIV status, (2) We are responsible - encouraging couples to protect each other and remaining faithful and (3) South Africa is taking responsibility - the government is providing leadership to ensure that every South African can prevent HIV.

So today on World AIDS Day, I first ask that you pray for all of those infected and affected and for God's healing and peace. Go for a HIV test, wear a RED ribbon to show your personal commitment to stopping new HIV infections and to support people living with HIV, talk to family, friends and co-workers about what they can do to stop the spread of HIV and be educated on how to prevent HIV, how to manage it and how to help others cope with it.

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