Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve...

Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room

The words of this song are in my heart and mind as I sit alone on Christmas Eve. Christmas time is indeed a joyful time because of the gift of Jesus to mankind. May each of our hearts prepare room for Jesus since he was sent to us out of love and to reconcile us to God the Father. I am thankful for Jesus since this year I am away from my family and friends. Today I am filled with joy and sadness. Joyful because I am blessed to be here in answer to God's call to serve him in South Africa and sad to be away from home. I don't feel alone because Jesus is with me and that makes me happy.

Christmas time in South Africa has been very different. There is no winter wonderland filled with snow. Instead it is summer time, so everyone is on holiday and people are having fun at the beach. There are Christmas trees in the malls and stores but there aren't very many lights. In Phoenix and around the U.S. there are towns decorated like Christmas villages, zoos are covered in lights and I miss that. I love Christmas songs and I used to listen to the radio everyday to hear them. There haven't been many songs on the radio, so I am glad for iTunes. There was no Charlie Brown Christmas, or the Christmas Story with Ralphie shooting his eye out. I did see the Grinch that Stole Christmas today. I am thankful for all of the blessings and it will be a good Christmas because of Jesus.

To my family and friends a blessed Christmas to you.

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