Saturday, March 27, 2010

This morning I woke up and Julia says..."I think that our internet is out." Unfortunately, we don't have unlimited internet access here. It's a bit expensive. So I only get 3GB per month. I don't even know how much that is in internet language. I went online as I usually do to top up with another 1GB. After trying several times I could not for the life of me get on. I had to do the tech support. After being on hold for what seemed like a lifetime, the person gave me another to try. Woo! Hoo!..... NOT! After filling out all of the information to top up, I got a RESTRICTED CARD error message. So I tried again, same message. Changed cards, had Julia try her card and still the same message. So, yes I had to call tech support again. This time it didn't take too long to get someone. I explained the problem and he says, "Please hold while I check to see what the problem is." Finally he comes back and says, "Unfortunately the system is down so I will give you an 800 number to call and they can help you." Arrrrgghh!!! Why is this happening, am I in the twilight zone?

I call the 800 number at 7:30am and get the message, "the office is currently closed, please call back at 8:00am." Didn't have too long to wait, so I listened to Michael Jackson songs to pass the time. I called back at 8:00, 8:01 and got the office is currently closed message. I let a few minutes pass and called at 8:05. It finally rang and yes, I had to wait. About 10 minutes later, a lady answered, I explained the problem, and she says, "Unfortunately our system is down, please call back at 9:00am." By that time, Julia and I decided to head out since we had to do some shopping before heading to Ntshongweni.

We got back home around 5:00pm and I decided to try one last time to get internet access. I called the 800 number and was told that my wait time was going to be 20 minutes. Yikes!!! So I waited, and waited, and waited. Finally I get someone and he said that I can help you, but I have to give you a temporary username and password and then you have to reset the modem. At this point I said, sure and he walked me through the process. After all is said and done, I have internet access again. Oh, the "simple" pleasures of life.


Jen said...

"Buttercup, have a donut today, and everything's gonna be okay..."

Cindy said...

Have a Blessed Easter. Please say hi to Margaret and to Pastor. Miss everyone.