Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve...

Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room

The words of this song are in my heart and mind as I sit alone on Christmas Eve. Christmas time is indeed a joyful time because of the gift of Jesus to mankind. May each of our hearts prepare room for Jesus since he was sent to us out of love and to reconcile us to God the Father. I am thankful for Jesus since this year I am away from my family and friends. Today I am filled with joy and sadness. Joyful because I am blessed to be here in answer to God's call to serve him in South Africa and sad to be away from home. I don't feel alone because Jesus is with me and that makes me happy.

Christmas time in South Africa has been very different. There is no winter wonderland filled with snow. Instead it is summer time, so everyone is on holiday and people are having fun at the beach. There are Christmas trees in the malls and stores but there aren't very many lights. In Phoenix and around the U.S. there are towns decorated like Christmas villages, zoos are covered in lights and I miss that. I love Christmas songs and I used to listen to the radio everyday to hear them. There haven't been many songs on the radio, so I am glad for iTunes. There was no Charlie Brown Christmas, or the Christmas Story with Ralphie shooting his eye out. I did see the Grinch that Stole Christmas today. I am thankful for all of the blessings and it will be a good Christmas because of Jesus.

To my family and friends a blessed Christmas to you.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I saw the movie "Invictus" today and in my opinion it was a very powerful story. Of course the critics can always have something negative to say. I highly recommend seeing it. The angle that Clint Eastwood took and the story that it told was perfect. Nelson Mandela after being released from prison after 26 yrs became president of South Africa. Now as the leader of a country divided he looked to the captain of a rugby team to unite the nation. Many opposed him, but he did what was necessary and he saw his country come together. In spite of the evils of apartheid which kept him imprisoned for so long, he approached his presidency with a forgiving heart. The message that I got was that if we seek vengeance against those who harm us them we are no better than they are. Instead we should forgive.

The movie got it's title from the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley. The word Invictus comes from the latin word meaning unconquerable. Nelson Mandela first discovered this poem when he was locked in a very small cell during his time on Robbin Island. In the movie he said that it gave him the strength to stand when all he wanted to do was fall. Mandela shared this poem with the captain of the rugby team, Francois Pineaar before the start of the world cup where 43 million South Africans stood in support of their team the Spring Boks. I share this poem with you.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day.....

Today is World AIDS Day and all over the world people are showing their support by wearing RED ribbons. I don't know if any of you have lost a friend or a loved one to AIDS. I lost my Uncle David to AIDS many years ago. I didn't understand the far reaching effects that the disease would have. I happened at a time in the U.S.A. when people thought it was only the homosexuals who got it. But HIV/AIDS is much more than that. It knows no boundaries affecting people of all ages, gender and nationalities. It is crippling our world.

In 2008 there were 22.4 million people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, more than two thirds of world's total. In South Africa there were an estimated 5.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS, more than any other country and there are 1.4 million AIDS orphans. I am in a country surrounded by people who are living with HIV and many don't even know it. On this day South Africa's message is three-fold: (1) I am responsible - calling on everyone to know their HIV status, (2) We are responsible - encouraging couples to protect each other and remaining faithful and (3) South Africa is taking responsibility - the government is providing leadership to ensure that every South African can prevent HIV.

So today on World AIDS Day, I first ask that you pray for all of those infected and affected and for God's healing and peace. Go for a HIV test, wear a RED ribbon to show your personal commitment to stopping new HIV infections and to support people living with HIV, talk to family, friends and co-workers about what they can do to stop the spread of HIV and be educated on how to prevent HIV, how to manage it and how to help others cope with it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ, His Son.....(by Don Moen)

As Thanksgiving Day approached those words keep coming to mind. For the first time I am away from family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. I wondered how I was going to spend the day, would I be alone, would I have turkey, will it be a sad day for me. But God is good and gracious. I will be spending the day with two American missionary families in Pretoria and we will have a traditional Thanksgiving Day. I am very happy for such a wonderful blessing. So today I give thanks to God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon me and for the opportunity to serve Him in South Africa. I give thanks for my family and friends and for all of their love and support, I miss you all very much. I also give thanks for the new friends that I have made here in South Africa and for the families I will be with today.

All praise glory and honor to you my Father in heaven always and forever.

I read a devotion yesterday that was titled "True Thanksgiving". It talked about a man named Horatio Spafford who lost everything including his family and rather than be angry he gave thanks for all that he had left and he wrote the song "It is Well With My Soul." I leave you with this verse and the words to this song..... "Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Needles, thread & bobbins.....

When the team from Phoenix was here a few weeks ago, they gave sewing classes to the ladies in the community. There were about 16 that attended. For the majority of them it was the first time that they used a sewing machine. Linda Funk and Norma aka gogo worked everyday with them. By week's end the ladies had made small bags, aprons and lampshades.

On Wednesday sewing classes resumed. A local lady named Gori will be working with the ladies in the coming months to get their sewing skills refined. There were 12 ladies in the class. Some were new and the others had attended with Linda and gogo. Gori along with Thandeka, a young lady from the community that has a sewing certificate instructed the ladies on how to thread the machines, fill the bobbins and the basics of sewing. By the end of the day they all learned how to make a book cover.

Since some of the ladies were new and still a bit nervous when using the machines so Thandeka and I had a follow up class on Friday. This time when making the book covers they used batting and did a design in the material. They turned out really well. There is a gogo named Regina who is determined to be tops in the class and considering that her vision is not the best, she is leading the way. I had not touched a sewing machine in years, so I had to search my memory banks to remember how to thread the machine, etc. Luckily Thandeka was there. By the end of the day there were needles, thread and bobbins all over the tables as we cleaned up.

It was a wonderful week and the ladies were very excited. Gori was very pleased with how it all turned out. Keep the ladies in your prayers as they progress with their sewing.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pretoria in Springtime.....

I spent last week in Pretoria and it was wonderful. It was a time to debrief with my supervisor Cindy about how I feel about being here, if I'm adjusting, what challenges I may have, that sort of thing. We talked for a long time about lots of things and it is great to know that I have her support and her friendship. I also got some well needed R & R and caught up on some work.

Now the great thing about Pretoria especially in Springtime are the Jakarander trees. The streets are lined with them and they have beautiful purple flowers. Just looking down the streets all you can see are rows and rows of purple. Absolutely amazing! There are Jakaranders in Hillcrest, but they are scattered here and there. I got to spend time with one of the other missionaries as well. It was a good trip. I got back to Hillcrest Saturday afternoon. Yes, Saturday was Halloween. It's not that big of a thing here in South Africa like it is in the U.S. I pray that everyone had a safe time trick-or-treating. Have a few pieces of candy for me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A day to relax....

Today I had the opportunity to relax and get caught up on emails and downloading pictures, updating software, you name it. All the things that I couldn't do because I didn't have internet access at home. It is so amazing to finally have it. Oh the simple pleasures of life.

It was a bit overcast and I sat in the living room looking out the window at the hills with a light mist falling, God spoke to me. I heard what has become a very important scripture in my life. Pastor Arnie used it as he blessed me during my installation. It reads...I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth - Psalm 121:1-2 It fit the mood as I spent some time with God during my morning devotion. Days like this are so important. God knew that I needed it and like always his timing is always perfect.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home away from home...

Last week the team from Phoenix arrived and it was nice to greet them all at the airport. There were many familiar faces and some new ones. They came just at the right time, as I continue to get settled here in South Africa I was surrounded by a reminder of home. On Sunday I was installed as a missionary to Ntshongweni by Pastor Arnie and I was surrounded by the team and Pastor Thwala, Pastor Erickson, Pastor Arnie, Pastor Schroder and Pastor Thompson. I was filled with so much joy and I knew that God was there, I could feel it. Afterwards there was fellowship with folks from the community, Phoenix Lutheran Church, Westville Lutheran Church and many friends that were made from previous trips. What an amazing day, I will never forget it.

The week was filled with many things. Finishing Margaret's house was top priority. The team brought sewing machines and Linda F. and Norma taught sewing to about 16 of the ladies in the community. They were thrilled and enjoyed making aprons, lamp shades and bags. Some of the ladies held pre-school in the Center of Compassion. On Monday there were only a few children but by Friday many came and it was bustling with activity. It gave a great snapshot of what the creche (nursery school) will look like once it is opened. Heidi and Lisa did a wonderful job adding special touches to the Center of Compassion. Pastor Thwala asked if they could paint a scripture on the wall and he chose "God is Love." Carpentry tools were purchased to help teach the men in the community. The week went by quickly and on Friday the house was dedicated to Margaret and she was presented a Bible that the team signed. Unfortunately the house was not finished, all it needs is the roof and that should be completed this week. So Margaret will have a moving day very soon.

The weekend came and the team headed to the Victoria Street Market for some quick shopping before heading up to St. Lucia. When we arrived in St. Lucia our first event was a boat trip on the estuary where we saw birds and lots of hippos. It was amazing how many they were and they were quite playful, so we got lots of great photos. The next day we headed to the first game reserve founded in the 1800's. We has a 6.5hr game drive ahead of us and we were all excited to see the animals. So what did we see....hmmmmm We saw elephants, zebra, giraffe, impala, nyala, wildebeest, warthog, cape buffalo, rhino. Unfortunately we did not see the lion or leopard. Maybe next time. It was a wonderful week and it was hard to say good-bye to the team. I know that God called me here to South Africa to do his work and to be his hands and feet. So that is where my focus must be. God will give me all that I need and I will continue to trust him.

To my family and friends I love you and miss you. Thank you for the prayers.

Sala kahle

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Getting settled....

I can't believe that I have been here for a little over 2 months now. I suppose it's okay to say that South Africa is my home for the next 2 years. I don't feel separated from my family and friends due to being able to email them and text them. Once I get al settled in my apartment and hooked up with the internet I can Skype. The wonders of technology and how it keeps people together when they are mile apart.

It was great meeting the team from PA during their time here building a house for Margaret. I know that she is very happy. I am expecting a team from AZ very soon and looking forward to seeing many friends. God is good.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rainy days....

Yesterday was the start of rainy weather. It was misty all day, like something you would see in a horror movie. Today was a bit more of a down pour but is now very grey. Yes, it is cold, cold, cold. I think that we will have sunny days on the weekend. Yeah for me since I love the heat.

I spent the week looking for a place to live. Since things are a bit different it has been a bit of a challenge. But last night I saw a place that I love and I am praying that God will help me to decide if this is the one. It is in a good location and I liked everything about it. So prayerfully this is the one. Everything is so different and will take some getting used to. Cell phone services and internet is a world apart from what I am used to. For example, in the U.S. we have unlimited internet usage and we pay one standard fee per month. In South Africa there is a cap, which means that you buy a package with 1 or 2 GIG for a standard fee and if you use it in a month then you can buy more GIG's as you need. I think that you can get an unlimited package but it may be very expensive. No worries, I will have to adjust. I am taking it all in stride.

A team from Pittsburg arrives tomorrow. I am excited to meet them all and get to work with them. They will be building a house for an elderly lady name Margaret. So please keep the team in your prayers as they travel and as they work.

Sala kahle

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trying to get settled....

I made it safely to Durban. Even though the bus ride was long it got to see a lot of the country and it is beautiful. The weather has been absolutely wonderful. Not to hot, not to cold and with a light breeze. I am staying at a lovely Bed & Breakfast for now while I am looking for a place to live. That will be quite an adventure considering I am getting acclimated to the area.

I went out to Shongweni on Saturday with a friend to visit Pastor Thwala. We had a nice visit considering this was the first meeting with him. I went to visit another friend and saw a few of the orphans. They remembered me and that was nice to be greeted by their smiles. I will have lots of work to do but with God's help I will get it done. After all this is not about me, it's about what God called me to do. I am truly blessed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the road again...

Well I'm back in Pretoria but only to get packed. I am heading to Durban in the morning. Middleburg was great and I made so many new friends. On my last day they had a surprise braai (barbeque) for me which was quite unexpected. It was a nice time and they had so many nice things to say.

Zulu culture focuses on relationships and I definitely have made some very good relationships in Middleburg. I will have to go back to visit. My Zulu lessons were awesome and I learned so much. I'm not fluent yet but slowly getting there.

Durban here I come. I will be taking a rather long bus ride but excited to see some of the country as I travel. I will look for a place to live next week and get some things sorted out. Then the team from the U.S.A. arrives on the 19th. I look forward to going to Ntshongweni and seeing old friends.

Sala kalhe

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Springtime in S.A.

Today the 1st of September is the start of Spring and everyone has Spring fever. The children get to wear regular clothes today. They all are ready to go the pool, play soccer and netball, have braai's (barbeques). It is a fun day.

The weather is warmer and hopefully my cold will be gone soon. It is getting better. My Zulu lessons are going well and I am learning a lot. So to all of my family and friends Happy Spring Day!!!!

Sala kahle (stay well)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Middleburg ( Zulu)

Sawubona (hello)!!! It's been 2 weeks and I do apologize for not updating my blog. I have been in Middleburg and internet access is limited. I have to go into town a few days a week just to check emails. I did have access to a dial-up connection but it was not working the past week. I am doing well and yes, I have been taking Zulu lessons....Ngifunda isiZulu ( I am learning Zulu). It will take lots of repetition. I am staying in the township with Rev. and Mrs. Khumalo. They have been wonderful host and have opened their home and hearts to me. The township is a mixture of big houses with squatter homes scattered throughout.

My first week I spent time with a group call Caring Friends. They are a group of women who do home care for those infected with HIV/AIDS as well as other chronic illnesses. They also look after OVC (orphans & vulnerable children). They also do outreach in the community. I was able to go with them to hand out condoms one day. They are a wonderful group of women.

My second week was spent with LoveLife, which is a HIV/AIDS campaign that changes the behavior and attitude of young people. We spent a week at the Manyano Primary School and did some lessons in the classrooms. I have met so many wonderful people in Middleburg and they are helping to make it a great experience.

I am trying lots of new foods. One of the main things that they eat is called PAP. It is a hard porridge and is eaten with meat and would take the place of rice or potatoes in the U.S. It will take some getting used to. Vegetables are a main staple, especially beet root. I am trying.

I was surprised to see that almost everyone has a cell phone. Many people even have satellite on their houses. So I am able to watch U.S. shows. So Things are going very well. Thank you for all of the prayers.

Sala kahle (stay well)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Settling in

It's 4:25pm in the afternoon here in South Africa and many of my friends are still in bed and some are getting ready for church. It's a bit weird that when I'm getting ready for bed they are enjoying the day and when I'm getting up they are winding down for the day. But such is's different for now and exciting. Today is another cold day but without the rain and hail from yesterday.

So the big question is what have I been doing so far. On Friday I went to the mall with Cindy Rodewald (LCMS Regional director's wife). I will have no problems getting the things I need. There was even an iStore so I can take my Macbook in if I have any issues. Yes there is even a movie theater with all the current movies even Bruno. So I will have fun things to do on the weekend. Saturday I stayed in doors due to the rain. Today I attended church with the Rodewalds at the Lutheran Seminary. It was good but I miss Pastor Jeff's sermons. I will have to catch up with them on via podcast.

After church a group of Liberian seminary students and friends of the Rodewalds came over for a visit. It was nice getting to meet new people and hear about Liberia. Will have to visit one day. Next week I go to Middleberg to start my Zulu language and culture training. Excited....yes, nervous...a bit. Well that's all for now as I am settling in.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm here!!!

I'm here!!!! After a very long flight I landed safely in Joburg. After waiting what seemed liked forever I found the driver that was waiting for me and was on my way to Pretoria. I will be staying here with the Regional Director Mike Rodewald and his family as I get my plans together. The weather is cold here and I will have to adjust after coming from 113 degrees in Phoenix. All is well and I am excited to see how God will use me. To my family and friends thank you for all of your continued prayers. I know that I will need them. I miss you all.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

When Are You Leaving?

When are you leaving? I have been asked this question for the last 2 weeks and rightly so. I hoped to be in South Africa by now, but I am still here in Arizona. There has been some delay due to a request for an FBI background check. The background check came back to me this past Thursday and was sent to the consulate. It is in their hands now. This has been a lesson in patience and in trusting in God and his timing. I am taking it one day at a time and when the time is right, I will leave for South Africa. I must still have something that I need to do here in Arizona. It has allowed me to spend a little more time with friends and to do some catching up. This verse has brought me comfort during this time of waiting...Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time for Good-bye's

The time has come to start saying good-bye to family and friends. Today at church was the sending service. I had the opportunity to speak about my ministry in South Africa and to ask for prayers in all four services. The choir sang together one more time and it was wonderful. I have the best church home in the world with such supportive brothers and sisters in Christ. I am glad to go but sad to say good-bye. So I will not say good-bye, instead I will say see you later. I will miss everyone very, very much. God has blessed me with so many wonderful friends and even though it will be hard being away, I know that God will take care of all of us. See you later.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's time to start packing

The time has finally come to start packing. In a week or two I will be heading to South Africa. A new chapter in my life will begin. There are lots of emotions....sadness, excitement, loss, joy. I am very happy to be blessed with such an opportunity, it is a gift from God. I am sad to leave my family and friends behind and I will carry them in my heart. My last day at the job that I held for 8 years was last Friday and it's been a bit weird. I know that I have a new adventure ahead of me. People have been asking me "are you nervous or scared?" To be honest yes, a little of both. I know that I will be okay and that God will bless me with all that I need to do what he has called me to do. I know that he will be by my side every step of the way.

To all of my family and friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support. It is very hard to leave you all, but this is something I must do and I know that you understand. Know that I love you all very much. You will be with me during my time in South Africa.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Center for Compassion

The Center for Compassion was the dream of Pastor Senzo Majola before he passed away in May of 2008.  He was called to  pastor the local Lutheran church and to be a part of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project with American partners.  Pastor Majola became a father to most of the children.  His passion for the orphan project grew from his own experience of being orphaned.  Pastor Majola had a dream of having a creche (nursery school) and a community center next to his church.  He was overjoyed to hear that the American volunteers were willing to build this facility.  He wanted a place that the little ones in the community could be cared for during the day and center where the youth and young adults could attend workshops to learn new skills.

Construction for the Center of Compassion began in August of 2008 with volunteers from the United States and South Africa.  Several teams are scheduled to complete the center in 2009. The center is a proper tribute to the life and passion of Pastor Majola.  

During my time in South Africa I will be able to work with the teams as they finish construction and help to get the center up and running.  **Pictured is a team from Love of Christ and Christ Church Lutheran as they continue the block work on the center in October 2008 **   

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Closer, closer, closer

Time is flying by and I am getting closer to my departure in July.  There's not much left to do and I don't want to forget anything.  I am very excited to be going but also sad to be leaving my friends and family.  I know that I will have their support and prayers.  I am still in search for a renter for my condo and I pray that God will send the right person.  As for the fundraising, it is going really well.  I am getting closer, closer, closer to my goal.  I have to raise 70% of the first year's total --$2o,102.88.  I only need $4237.88 to reach that goal.  Thanks be to God for all who have generously donated.  I will still be fundraising while in the field and I give all my needs to God.  My mom always says, if God brings you to it, then He will bring you through it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sold to the highest bidder!!!

Last weekend the African Orphan Project held it's 2nd annual auction to raise funds to help the orphans.  It took a lot of work, but a hangar was transformed into a wonderful site of people, pictures, music, decorations and items for bid.  The event was attended by 100 plus people who came out in support of the auction.  A big thank you to Bob and Linda Funk for listening to the call of God to do something so powerful.  The auction was also attended by Senator John Shadegg who donated a trip to the capital.  The event was a huge success and almost all of the items were bid on or sold.  **Pictured is one of the beautiful cakes that were sold to the highest bidder.**

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life-Changing Moments

Life-changing moments, have you ever had these moments? I have had several throughout the course of my life.  The one that stands out the most is what I like to call my miracle.  God has called me to be a missionary.  The spark was lit in me a few years ago on the first mission trip I took to Peru.  I didn't know what to expect.  When I got home, I knew that I wanted to do it again.  I surrendered to God and asked him to show me my purpose because "I" didn't know what to do with my life and I felt lost.  God sent me on many trips since then and opened the eyes of my heart to love those who are the least in the world.  He placed a strong desire in my heart to be a missionary.  I prayed for the opportunity to do it for more than a few weeks.  My heart desires to do it for the rest of my life.  I knew that God had to decided when I was ready and his timing is perfect.  I heard God's call and answered it.  I am so excited and overjoyed to serve God this way and in all the ways he asks me to.  Thank you Father for my miracle.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moving on out!!!!

Boy 2009 is flying by and the time will soon come when I will be South Africa bound.  There is lots going on in my world and it's only by God's grace that I have not come undone.  Moving to another part of the world for 2's still WOW to me.  So I have put most of my stuff in storage.  Who knew that one person could have so much stuff.  I am staying with my BFF and her family until I leave.  God has blessed me with some awesome friends who have been so supportive and helpful during this part of the transition.  I am almost completely moved out of my house and still looking for someone new to move in.  I know that God is awesome and he will send the right person my way.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gleaning, cleaning, packing....

The time has come to start getting things together.  Whatever will I take to be able to live in South Africa for 2 years.  A good friend said, "South Africans are able to get all that they need, so you will too."  Yes she is correct.  I really don't need to stress about it.  I was able to glean much of my home and donate some stuff to CCL's efforts to help the homeless, some to Weldon House and some to the Goodwill.  It is quite an undertaking, but I am getting there.  This brings a new meaning to Spring cleaning for me and it's not even Spring as yet.